I mainly like to paint large. However, when I get stuck, painting small is now my only way to loosen up my hands and physically visualize large pieces inside a 4"x4" square. See some new little works below.
I mainly like to paint large. However, when I get stuck, painting small is now my only way to loosen up my hands and physically visualize large pieces inside a 4"x4" square. See some new little works below.
It was only a few weeks ago when Field House Shop in Beverly open their magical doors and changed Cabot street for the better. This little town revels in unique businesses and I am happy to announce our collaboration. Field House will be representing my paintings for as long as they can stand me.
I love finding the spots that best represent my work. It all feels really good here. If you have the chance to visit, please say hello! Located at 265 Cabot street, Beverly.
Another exciting collab that happened with Interior designer Kristina Crestin is what you see below. Mood boards were made based off of books of each designer's choice, and Boston Design Magazine would curate an above shot. Three of my baby paintings were selected to be apart of this mood board. Loving the earth tones next to Kristina's chosen fabrics. Check out the Home 2017 edition of Boston Design Magazine.
So here we are again...
Six months past since I soared across the country and traveled up the California coast with my best friend. Yes, California-- not Ireland. In some of these pictures it's hard to believe otherwise. It's safe to say that there's truly nothing like when the sea hits the land. To this day, I have dreams where I'm standing in the middle of these sites. How could you not?
Six months and I'm ready to paint again. I took time off while keeping my hands moving in other ways. I poured energy into friends, new babies, weddings, health, etc. I am happy I did. Breaks help the mind rest, but it doesn't take not long until an urge to confront the canvas hits me. A recharge was in order, however acceptance with that was the last thing on my mind. *deep breaths*
Anyone who signs up to my email list gets a 15% off on this guy down below OR
Sign up to receive more news and updates in general!
10"x10" Price $150.00
As new things are brewing in this brain of mine, I am working to prepare for summer fairs and spring flash sales.
The next few months I will be working on much smaller (original) & affordable work for everyone who's interested. Please reach out! All information on my the website! This sale will end the last day of June 2016.
Here's what you can expect prices to be for small works:
**Tiny paintings in progress only $25**
6x6" Paintings $65
8x8" Paintings $85
10x10" paintings $150
1X1' Paintings $250
Today's Flash Sales is Pink Skies going for $150.00-- Email me if interested!
10X10" $150.00
Sloppy Ocean. 10"x10" $150.00
Depth, 8"x8" $125.00
This coming Sunday
Find These & plenty more at Brickbottom Gallery on March 13th.
I received an email from a very talented lady named Jo back in October. She sent me her website (packed with beautiful video work) and asked me if i'd be willing to take part in her on-going series, Found + Made. The Found + Made series is a correlation of video shorts representing women artists with different backgrounds with different types of work.
I couldn't believe she sought me out to be cool enough to take part in the project-- but she did. Below is the result. We bundled up on a cold rainy day in Beverly (shocking) and she followed me around on what is a "normal" day for me in my process of art making truly is.
Coffee, collecting, color searching, color studying, and of course, getting those ideas down on the canvas.
You can check out more of her work at : http://www.joannadonofrio.com/
Ok-- I've been invited into two shows for this coming March of 2016.
((Brickbottom Gallery, "Temporal Transcendent" Opening reception March 13
Marblehead Arts Association Gallery, "Momentous Passage" Opening reception March 20 ))
My problem: I find it personally challenging to use older work for a new show. Constant changes lead to changes in my painting. I find it hard for me to show something I may not have been proud of in the past or something I fear never made it to "completion"-- it doesn't feel present.
I remember: this is not a problem. The emotional connection with my paintings serve a purpose. If showing something old means going back to the place I was emotionally, it feels uncomfortable. That's okay, and this is my daily reminder.
I have loosened up in my process. More physical contact has been incorporated: pouring paint, using more paint, using large brush strokes with large brushes and other tools. I've limited my pallet, and started using a few colors to begin.
Below are wet, early stages to landscapes
I TURNED 25--although it's not an uncommon accomplishment, it feels extremely reflective & different. It feels good to be this age. There are plenty of words I can say to myself-- i did my best and wrapped it up in a letter.
Here you are. Although you have wished for things to be different on many occasions, hoped for less pain and hurtful events, you are welcoming your twenty fifth year of life. You can count on both hands the amount of people who’ve told you, “Life’s not fair”. You realized this was true at a young age when the infinite slamming of doors and crying tantrums consumed more than half your childhood.
And just like any child, you thought those days were bad...flash forward to 2016 and you’ve never felt so lost. For many years you questioned why you weren’t born into a Jane Austin book, why your love lives never worked out, or why you felt sad sometimes. However, all of your dramatics and intermittent crises were nothing to ignore—but they were to be listened to.
You have struggled with learning to be “happy” with unfortunate events. Inwardly, you understand that they make you strong, aware and patient. Outwardly, there are days that the concept didn’t actually make things easier. Don’t forget you have overcome personal battles that you imagined would never vanish. You have persevered through loss and abandonment— and, you have listened.
Keep going!!! This year you will bond with fact that your life isn’t shrinking, it is expanding. It is transformative, beautiful and colorful. You have control. You will do, create, and seek amazing things. Behind any pain is a miraculous life that will manifest.
Surround yourself with people who love you. Surround yourself with friends who care about your well-being and make you feel good. Most importantly surround yourself with those who love every personality you withhold. {Remember to thank them.}
Stop caring about what anyone thinks of you. Embrace your daring side and take risks. Hold onto your compassionate side and be a great friend. Share what you have to offer. Re-introduce what is important to you and do everything you can not to let it go.
You will feel more beautiful than any other year you’ve existed. You will love your flaws, love your quarks and love the body you were born in. You will not be bound. You will be free. You will learn. You will listen.
Although this life is not exactly fair, this life is about to get so good.
Keep smiling & keep loving
Love Always,
Well, it's hibernating season-- which works out perfectly because the next few months calls for major preparation for upcoming shows. I'm excited, nervous, freaking out {normal}-- eager to share.
I'm also extremely thankful: I have a space to paint in other than my dry studio. So many feels about it all-- getting those butterflies in my stomach when lugging my easel up to the attic of a very generous friend's house. I realized distractions would no longer be an issue (no offence, roomies// all love) and I can plug away at the ideas that have been stirring in my head for what seems like forever.
Some segments below on new (& large) paintings
Starting THURSDAY 12/3/15
>>>>>>Mrs. Alexander's school- Holiday Boutique 80 Lothrop Street in Beverly! 6:30-9PM<<<<<< A&B Burgers selling dinner!
Saturday: 12/5/15
Winthrop School Holiday Boutique
325 Bay Road S. Hamilton, MA
Sunday: 12/6/15
South Boston Holiday Market
Innovation Design Building
23 Dry Dock Avenue Floor 7, Boston
The end! bah!
This month has been amazing. After hanging the group show, I immediately started prepping for this Saturday's Fall Pop-Up which is part of the BAD citywide art tour. {come visit me!} 12-5 PM.
From hand painting all of the floral card sets, paintings, other misc. products last season, I am now printing them! I feel lucky.
What to look for this season:
Card Sets
Small Prints
Large Prints
Tea Towels
Place Cards
Gift Tags
Small Wall Posters
"Let it go free" Acrylic on Canvas, 2' x 2'
You can see this and many more new works at Porter Mill Gallery in Beverly, MA
Gallery Hours:
Thurs & Friday 5-7 PM
Sat & Sun 12-4 PM
or by appointment.
RECEPTION: THURSDAY OCTOBER 22 6-9 OR Gallery will be Open October 17 for Open Studios 12-5 PM
Beyond excited to share I will be in a group show on Thursday, October 22nd from 6-9pm at Gallery of Porter Mill-- Not only will I be alongside painters that I truly admire and look up to, but I will be revealing NEW paintings that not even your CAT HAS SEEN YET. My cat has seen them, but I told him to definitely keep quiet about them.
Hope you all can make it!
Little Card Set additions--- You'll be able to get a set at The BAD Tour: Citywide Open Studios. My good friend, Alyssa Watters , was kind enough to ask me to join her in an open space next to her beautiful studio on 110 Cabot Street. I am so thankful to have such bad azz women artist friends who include me on these opportunities. You'll be able to check out some of my new work, AND the works of Maura O'connor Illustrations, Flowersinmay, and the amazing services by my friend, Sarah Johnson.
110 Cabot Street, Beverly MA on October 17, 2015 12-5
My favorite time is when I'm with a new body of work. It's taking it's sweet ol' time, but it is precious and full. below you can see beginning to middle stages of new things that i'm pretty excited about--