Busy Work

This culmination of small things show the different projects i'm working on. To keep my mind from being continuously filled with what I need to do most, busy work is my best friend. I am working towards gathering new subjects for card prints and regular prints for upcoming craft fairs for the Holiday Season. I feel extremely behind! New paintings I'm working on for a group exhibition (soon to be noted) in Beverly & finding time for studio practice to work on my new series of paintings for next year has brought me to a level of crazy. In between, i'm making custom paintings for the wonderful people who want my work in their homes! Phew! 

When I have time in between teaching, I like to play around with watercolors (and power nap in my car) to gain inspiration for things around me-- 

crazy times= good times

Coming soon// Card sets in session

I'm obsessed with drawing coral!! My current mind stimulation is staring in awe of  Earnst Heckle's drawings. Among many things, he is a biologist, naturalist & philosopher-- His book "Art Forms in Nature" has the most beautiful array of illustrations. They have inspired these drawings which will show up in my new card set for the winter. Chugging away on finishing the set as a whole-- what better season to do it..

Long Island // Southampton //

This fourth of July was magical// I had time to see and smell the ocean more than once, and was able to get some sketches in. I love nothing more than collecting and documenting// These drawings are small but sweet to my heart. 

California Air// Los Angeles, etc.

A few weeks have passed and it feels like a dream. Ten days is certainly not enough time for a soul like mine. Adjusting to space takes more than a moment. So here, I defeated my yearning for the fog, the soft air, the warm sun, the intimidating shapes--and as a result, the mountains & the air felt like ultimate peace. Absolutely nothing can or will go wrong.

To take these feelings with me, and feel them where I am is the outward goal. 

I mainly visited Los Angeles--with a couple day trip to Santa Barbara. I visited the Getty Museum where Roman treasures were seen (& Breath taking architecture) // & the LACMA, where contemporary legends were seen, ie: James Turrell and Chris Burden.  California IS color. 

Visiting the Old // Search for the New

My first visit to the west coast was eye opening in an abundance of ways. As I was contemplating a new series in painting, I referred back to a bright yellow piece made for a close friend who has a particular affinity to yellow. The boldness of the color reflects nothing on how I feel two years later... I'm not upset about it, but perplexed. 

Perhaps that's why I am on the search for colors. Like the water color studies shown below-- these reflect the studio floor of my cousin Mary, who allowed me to stay in her beautiful artist studio. Carrying around this moleskin was key to my visit. Anything I wished to remember, visuals I'd hope to never lose, I painted. Memory strips. 

Cape Cod Sketches// Client work

I have a client who brings me back to my drawing roots constantly. This inspired me for some new card sets coming soon!